The Role Of Refill Stores In Reducing Food Waste

Dave Calvert

In today's climate-aware world, eco-friendly retail is transforming how we shop, especially for food. Refill stores are important in the fight against food waste. They use smart ways to reduce waste and empower people. For...

Recycling week. Not another one!

Kerry Leese
It's recycling week. So take my annoyance at yet another 'week' to have to talk about to be relevant,  multiply it by my rage about litter & waste, & you get this rather frustrated rant at why recycling isn't going to get us out of the plastic pollution we have in the UK & worldwide. Want the answer? Refill!!!!

Your refill shop needs you!

Kerry Leese

Thanks so much for all your support over the last few weeks. Well, years but especially as it's a very hard time at the moment. I wanted to update you as to what's going on after my blubbing desperation last month (the upshot, I can't keep going as we are financially & energetically so are facing closing).